
*simply siphon the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure*

Sunday, April 23, 2006


u do know when to keep ur mouth shut don't u????don't bad mouth people when the other people is in the next room and can listen to all the words u are saying...if u wanna be discreet...be discreet...u don't want that people to know that u were bad mouthing them then why did u talk so loud..and then u walk out and meet that person with a plastic smile on ur plastic face...beleive i rather u talk to my face rather than trying to bad mouth me behind my back n then that pretend u didn't say anything.....say what u want to my face...i could handle it...don't go behind a wall n let me hear it...it's stupid....what do u think that will acheive....FUCK!!!


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